AI#MiMini with Robin Audenaerdt Matthew WittemeierAugust 24, 20201.3K views As part of our exclusive series in partnership with TOC Digital, INFORM’s Matthew Wittemeier caught up with Robin…
Millennials in MaritimeHarbours Review: Born Digital Dr. Eva SavelsbergandMatthew WittemeierAugust 17, 20201.4K views “Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate, and brilliant; together they are powerful…
Data Management“Screwed”: The Real Value of Data Dr. Eva SavelsbergandMatthew WittemeierAugust 17, 20202.4K views I recently had the privilege of reading the book titled One Good Turn: A Natural History of the…
StrategyNew Business Models Alex Van WinckelandDr. Eva SavelsbergandMatthew WittemeierAugust 17, 20201.6K views Bob Dylan’s 1964 song, “The Times They Are a-Changin’” was written as an anthem directed at the social…
Millennials in Maritime#MiMini with Matthew Wittemeier Matthew WittemeierAugust 10, 20201.4K views In our third installment of the #MiMini exclusive series in partnership with TOC Digital, I’ve ceded the “host”…
AI#MiMini with Marcin Kamola Matthew WittemeierAugust 3, 20201.4K views As part of our exclusive series in partnership with TOC Digital, INFORM’s Matthew Wittemeier caught up with Marcin…